Sunday, November 16, 2008

Email-enable a SharePoint Group

You can use SharePoint to send email to a mail-enabled AD Distribution
group. But did you know that you can email-enable a SharePoint permission
group? Daniel A. Galant gives the recipe below. Brian Hart notes that you
must have AD and Exchange behind the scenes for this to work.


If you go into the settings for a given group, (select the group and then
Settings>Group Settings) you'll find a setting to Create an e-mail
distribution group for this group. Select this. You will then likely need to
go into your Central Administration and actually approve the group before
you can use it. This is done from the Operations tab, Approve/Reject
Distribution groups.

Daniel A. Galant MINDSHARP 636-233-0762

MCITP - Enterprise Administrator, MCTS - SharePoint, MCTS - WSS v3, MCTS -
OCS, MCSE+Messaging, MCSE+Security, MCT...


Of course this approach requires AD and Exchange Server, since what's
happening behind the scenes is that an Exchange Distribution Group is
being created for the members of the SharePoint group...

Bryan Hart Technical Consultant Solanite Consulting, Inc.

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